This is just great, and for the first time classmates and friends, I am not being sarcastic. Now, I do believe their will be a legalization of weed, heavily restricted. I don't think it's going to be up for private industry. It's "dangerous" nature will be cited as a necissary reason to keep it nationalized and under government regulation.
They will then couple the power of high grade, high-bred government weed with the hypnotic power of Adult Swim and stupify massess. Those not smart enough to elevate themselves with the good government weed. Make no mistakes they'll give us high quality shit- the higher the quality, and the "weirder" / "edgier" the redardation machines on adult swim get; the dumber the people engaged will become.
This will inevitably lower their spiritual vibrations, dulling their psyche and awareness. Now I'm an advocate for marijuana use.